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African Mask: Nana Hahoofe

African Mask


All about African Art & Culture

Discover the interesting history behind African Art & Culture by listening to this podcast.

Download The charisma of the African sculptures 18-01-2014 (3.01 MB)

Duration: 3:17 m - Filetype: mp3 - Bitrate: 128 KBPS - Frequency: 48000 HZ

The charisma of the African sculptures

  • The charisma of the African sculptures
  • Though the entire continent is inclined to the making of African art sculptures, the western and central part of Africa take away the credit of the indigenous art. There are various forms of the cultural art as the history is a proof that it is a contribution of various tribes, but the abstract carving on wood is takes away the prize.

    The history of the African art influenced the artists worldwide with their aesthetic value and the qualities of them today still are inspiriting everyone day by day.


    Keywords: african art, african sculpture, Art (Collection Category), contemporary african sculpture, Sculpture (Visual Art Form), african art history, african scultures history, african symbols