A New Way of Clicking – African Clicking

November 25th, 2011

There is no limit to the wonderfulness of African art. Seriously, there’s so much to it you don’t exactly know where to get started. First things to pop on your mind are masks, artifacts, history, aesthetics, meanings, sculptures and all that jazz.? Surely, nothing compares to reading about the African traditions in a peaceful library, or browsing lovely pictures of an art catalog in the comfort of your own living room, or on the contrary, visiting a museum and take a sip of art in the middle of other people contemplating what used to be once vivid elements of a beautiful culture. Regarding the “used-to-be” phrase up there.. noticed how generally tend to refer to other populations on far away continents as possessing a past that we’d like to learn more about? I get the feeling that somewhere along the road, we fail to know more, if at all, about the current state-of-art and its magnificent artists that are creating yesterday’s cup of beauty.

It is of great importance, to get to see up to date art, have it right on your screen, neatly organized, unveiling before your eyes as you wish, how you wish it. Everything is digital nowadays, even more digital than ever before. It doesn’t take time to browse and read, to click and watch random things on the Internet, but it is likely to run out of patience once you decide for a more advanced search and try to go only for the relevant bucket of information. That is why you need to find websites that come to the rescue. Presenting quality photography, film, illustrations, music, painting, graphic design, animation and quite frankly, the list goes endless.

The diversity of the fields involved is quite overwhelming at first, because you come to realize there is so much you’ve been missing out on, that you’d like to check out each and every little thing posted yesterday, and two years ago. That, especially if you are completely new to this, but it proves to be just as engaging even if you are already in touch with this domain.

But once you get familiar with this type of art, you will love to keep connected. Like thousands of fans that regularly follow updates online, fresh out of the oven, and contribute every now and then with links of their own, to bring more enjoyable things to watch and read inside the community. So much for praising the fun you can have browsing. There’s an African saying from Ghana that goes something like this: “No one can corrupt you unless you are corrupt.”.

Nothing can make you try something new, unless you wanted to try it in the first place, but come to think of it there’s always a thin line between instinct and impulse, isn’t it?

Now I’ll leave you to whatever was filling your day 5 minutes ago, I’m off reading an article about Kinshasa Symphony, because apparently, in Congo, there is an orchestra of two hundred musicians playing Beethoven Ninth.

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