Modern rules for home decoration

October 12th, 2008

If you have been thinking of decorating your home for a long time, read this article. With changing times, there have also been some changes in the trends of decorating home. There are some rules that you need to follow in order to decorate your home in a stylish way. Here are some steps to follow:

Step 1: Arrange the hardware
You must have an idea of the decorating hardware available in your home. You must take into account everything including bell pushes, door handles, decorative hinges, lever latches, clavos nails, door knockers etc. You must also include window door, garage and cabinet hardware.

Step 2: Allot places
Now locate different hardware to different places such as kitchen, bedroom, outdoors, bathroom etc. Try including a wish list column while planning for the decoration.

Step 3: Browse
Browsing through some of the beautiful web pages will give you an idea of the kind of look that will suit a specific area of your house.

Step 4: Reshuffling
You would not believe that sometimes, simple reshuffling of old decorative pieces in your house can do wonders to the whole environment. It may also prove to be beneficial to replace your kitchen hardware.

Step 5: Hues
Go for light cool colors to make your personal space feel more airy and open. This will also provide new life to your room. For best results, try opting for super soft tones of greens and blues.

Step 6: Mono chromatic color scheme
If you want your room to look bigger and brighter, opt for hues that belongs to the same family. Mix the colors with tone-on-tone woven upholstery fabrics, beautiful and soft tonal drapery fabrics and textured wall finishes. Remember that cool colors and beautiful warm colors on wall surfaces work towards providing open look to a room.

Step 7: Wall and furniture colors
It is not a good idea to use contrast colors in a room as these tend to break up a space. Try coordinating wall and furniture colors.

Step 8: Allow some light
You must focus on allowing some light into your house. If natural light is not possible, you may use artificial lighting.

Step 9: Love nature
Back to nature is the new style mantra. Try following the art of exquisite vintage interiors and give it a touch of glamour. You would simply love the end result.

Step 10: Nordic style
This is all about going for cool, comfy, soothing and fresh color palatte. The best thing to try would be soft shades of green belonging to the forest.

Decorating your house is all about using some tricks. Following the tips mentioned above will help you.

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